HALO Resources
Health Education Materials
Savvie Sunshine, Will You Remember Daddy When I Am Out to Sea? salutes all Navy dads. It is a charming story that addresses the separation anxiety experienced by the Navy dad when facing a military deployment. This book is important because in our society, men are often socialized to hide their feelings or withdraw. However, that is very difficult to do when a man has to leave his young child whom he adores and is really just getting to know. This book focuses on how mom and child will help relieve dad’s nervousness from having to depart from his family. It is entertaining, yet instructional. Savvie Sunshine, Will You Remember Daddy When I Am Out to Sea? is a delightful children’s book that kids will enjoy and parents will appreciate and embrace.
To order this book, go to Our Store.
Book Review
This is a lovely book, which is sure to be a comfort to children, mothers and fathers experiencing military deployment. I bought it for a friend with two young children who is in the military, and her husband is a well. . .
Precious Pete, Will You Remember Daddy When I Am Out to Sea? salutes all Navy dads. It is a charming story that addresses the separation anxiety experienced by the Navy dad when facing a military deployment. This book is important because in our society, men are often socialized to hide their feelings or withdraw. However, that is very difficult to do when a man has to leave his young child whom he adores and is really just getting to know. This book focuses on how mom and child will help relieve dad’s nervousness from having to depart from his family. It is entertaining, yet instructional. Precious Pete, Will You Remember Daddy When I Am Out to Sea? is a delightful children’s book that kids will enjoy and parents will appreciate and embrace.
To order this book, go to Our Store.
Someone in the Marines Loves MIH is a charming story that enlightens us of the support a young girl receives from her father and other family members when her mother, a US Marine, is away due to a military deployment. It highlights family connectedness and emotional warmth and support. In Someone in the Marines Loves MIH, Bella learns that although she is facing a difficult period of physical separation from her mom; she is not quite as far away from her as she thinks! Someone in the Marines Loves MIH is an engaging story that kids will enjoy and parents will embrace.
To order this book, go to Our Store.
Dr. Chanda Nicole Holsey, Chair, Child Care Committee of the Maternal and Child Health Section of the American Public Health Association, had the professional honor of serving as a final reviewer of Stepping Stones to Caring for Our Children, Third Edition, a companion document to Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards.
Dr. Holsey, thank you once again for your participation in creating Stepping Stones to Caring for Our Children, Third Edition. We encourage you to forward this information to your colleagues and others who are interested in child care and early education.
Best Regards,
Betty Geer on behalf of the NRC
Chief Research Assistant
National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education
To order this book, visit the Stepping Stone website.

Dr. Chanda Nicole Holsey, Chair, Child Care Committee of the Maternal and Child Health Section of the American Public Health Association, and Founder of HALO for Families, is acknowledged as an Organizational and Stakeholder Reviewer for the CFOC3 collection: Caring for Infants and Toddlers in Early Care and Education (I/T); A Special Collection of Applicable Standards from: Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards; Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs, 3rd Edition.
Greetings Dr. Chanda Nicole Holsey,
We are pleased to announce the release of the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education’s (NRC’s) new CFOC3 collection: Caring for Infants and Toddlers in Early Care and Education (I/T)!
Dr. Holsey, we can’t thank you enough for sharing your time and feedback to improve the quality of this product.
Please feel free to share this new resource with your colleagues and partners.
Many thanks, Jean and Linda
Jean M. Cimino, MPH
CFOC3 Content Manager
View final, print-ready document here: http://nrckids.org/index.cfm/products/caring-for-infants-and-toddlers-in-early-care-and-education-it/.

I’m Not Scared, I’m Prepared: Understanding the Keys to Basic Asthma Management in Children is a curriculum for understanding asthma management. This training is appropriate for child care providers and their parents and caregivers.
To order this curriculum or discuss the opportunity for provider and/or parent/caregiver training in your child care center, please contact Dr. Chanda N. Holsey, HALO for Families, Owner, at cholsey@HALOforFamilies.org.
Selected Articles
- A Pilot Mentoring Program For Asthma Educators
Tousman, S., Holsey, C.N., Gregory, K.L. (2015). A pilot mentoring program for asthma educators. Connect, (2015, January), 11-12. Retrieved from http://mentoringassociation.org/wpcontent/uploads/2015/01/Connect_January15.pdf. - Case Study In Continuing Medical Education Collaboration
Ann C. Lichti, CCMEP, Chanda Nicole Holsey, DrPH, MPH, AE-C, Meg Burke, MHSA, CCMEP (2013) “Case Study In Continuing Medical Education Collaboration” Meetingsnet.com, November 26, 2013. Retrieved from http://meetingsnet.com/print/cme-design/case-study-continuing-medical-education-collaboration - Disparities in Asthma Care, Management, and Education Among Children With Asthma
Holsey, Chanda N., Collins, Pamela, Zahran, Hatice S. (July 2013) “Disparities in Asthma Care, Management, and Education Among Children With Asthma”, Clinical Pulmonary Medicine, 20(4):172-177. doi: 10.1097/CPM.0b013e3182991146 - Evaluating a Residential Asthma Camp Program And Ways to Increase Physical Activity
This study evaluated the effectiveness of an education asthma camp program emphasizing self-management skills. - Barriers to Asthma Management Among Urban Families: Caregiver and Child Perpectives
Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood. Those particularly affected are young, poor, African American children.